Inside Hazmat
Fuel Relief Fund
Supporting the world’s only charitable organization focused exclusively on addressing fuel supply challenges in major disasters. By providing free fuel to affected communities and the aid agencies that support them, the Fuel Relief Fund empowers disaster survivors to meet basic food, shelter, and medical needs and enable life-saving humanitarian activities.
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Fuel: A Life-saving Resource
In the aftermath of a disaster, fuel is a crucial, life-saving resource that enables first responders and aid workers to undertake search and rescue operations, provide emergency medical services and shelter, deliver food and water, heat displacement camps, power equipment and ensure light source. As we have witnessed time and again, disasters often result in fuel shortages, leaving survivors without the means to travel to medical facilities; light, heat or cool their homes; or even feed their families.
Fuel Relief Fund fills the fuel supply gap during the early phases of a disaster when the most urgent humanitarian activities occur. Utilizing industry expertise and providing fuel distribution resources, we help re-open the fuel supply chain in disaster-affected areas, allowing relief agencies to deliver life-saving aid and enabling affected families to meet basic food and shelter needs.
The Approach
FRF’s methodology is simple and effective. After an alert is received, the FRF Board of Directors reviews all available information and makes a determination on how FRF will respond. If a deployment is necessary, response teams are put on standby and then deployed within 24-48 hours. Once on the ground, teams liaise with government agencies, humanitarian actors, local organizations and community members to identify needs and then utilize earmarked donor dollars and our global fuel industry network to source and deliver fuel.