Emergency Spill Response
We provide a rapid, thorough assessment of the chemical release, which allows for prompt, safe stabilization and remediation. Environmental Logistics, Inc. project managers have the experience working with federal, state and local oversight agencies in all environments and industries. Environmental Logistics, Inc. technicians bring with them a broad range of experience in emergency situations and the highest level of training and certifications. Environmental Logistics, Inc. is committed to partner with you every step of the way to rapidly resolve the emergency, and are ready to deploy anywhere across the western United States. Environmental Logistics, Inc. professionals are able to complete the required closure documentation to obtain the determination of “No Further Action” and bring closure to a cleanup event.
We can also help you with emergency preparedness including guidance on emergency management, operations, planning, logistics, and finance and administration planning. We have an extensive network of trained professionals armed with the latest spill remediation equipment that can be rapidly dispatched to address any incident, including:
- Industrial spills and cleanups
- Highway incidents
- Tank and pipeline spills and overflows
- Leaking drums
- Mercury spills
- Biological and infectious materials
- Ship groundings
- Over the water waste transfer
- Hydrocarbon, chemical and hazardous material spills
- Natural disasters
- Emergency chemical lab packs
- DEA, Homeland Security, and Customs and Border Protection incidents.
- Fires and spills in warehouses and distribution centers
- Abandoned waste cleanup