National Reach. Locally Served. ITAR Compliant

City of Cuttings Wharf Law Enforcement Support Services

We have been a long history of supporting Cuttings Wharf law enforcement with waste collection, contraband destruction and evidence storage. We provide DEA and other agencies with trained and cleared emergency responders 24/7, 365 days a year in Cuttings Wharf and throughout Napa County.

Preferred Cuttings Wharf Emergency Response and Law Enforcement Support Services Provider

Deploying Cuttings Wharf crime scene cleaning operations, accident cleanup, illegal lab packing and drug destruction to law enforcement agencies for over 30 years. Certified in sensitive scene support such as schools, suicides, shipping containers and illicit drug production laboratories. 

ELI’s emergency response technicians are capable of working around flammables, explosive gases, poisons, toxins, acids and bases and have all the identification tools necessary to evaluate hazards on site. 

Our } lab packing systems allow for quick sorting and identification and segregation of hazardous materials, speeding the process of cleanup and material segregation and cataloging.

Napa County Law Enforcement Hazmat Service Experience

  • Fentanyl, methamphetamine and PCP Labs
  • Illegal cannabis grow labs
  • Illegal cannabis processing operations
  • Highway incidents
  • Tank and pipeline spills and overflows
  • Leaking drums
  • Mercury spills
  • Biological and infectious materials
  • Ship groundings
  • Airplane crash sites
  • Train derailments and accidents
  • Hydrocarbon, chemical and hazardous
  • Material spills
  • Confined Space Entry and Rescue
  • Natural disasters
  • Emergency chemical lab packs
  • DEA, Homeland Security, and Customs and Border Protection incidents
  • Illegal shipment cleaning and waste
  • incineration.
  • Fires and spills in warehouses and distribution centers
  • Abandoned waste cleanup
  • Drug Disposal
  • Decontamination of chemical spills
  • Homeless encampment cleanup
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Cuttings Wharf is an unincorporated community in Napa County, California. It lies at an elevation of 7 feet (2 m). Cuttings Wharf is located on the Napa River, 4 miles (6.4 km) northwest of Napa Junction.

In 1893 Francis Cutting developed a wharf at this location so that ships could pick up fruit grown in Napa at the Cutting Fruit Packing Company. In 1924, Napa County purchased the site as a public boat landing

A fishing resort adjacent to the wharf was built by Ernest Lundy. Mae Norman operated the resort from 1928 until 1961. Most of the buildings of the resort were razed, though Charles Moore moved some of them to his resort also located adjacent to the wharf property.

Some of the World War II effort-era plywood houses from Shipyard Acres were moved a few miles west to the Cuttings Wharf area, resurrected, and as of 2009 were still in place near the marina.

In the 1950s, twenty four surplus military buildings were floated from Richmond up the Napa River and installed near Moore’s landing. In 1969, a picket at the Napa County courthouse led to county supervisors touring housing at Cuttings Wharf investigating reports of substandard housing. In the early 2000s, the buildings were found to be in violation of health and safety codes. The renters were evicted in early 2011. The buildings were eventually demolished.

Cuttings Wharf is the final resting place of the SS Cabrillo, a wooden steamship used to transport passengers between Los Angeles and the Channel Islands.

The boat launch facility at Cuttings Wharf was rebuilt in the late 1970s.

Cuttings Wharf Wikipedia Page